Enter the world of Créapeiron that will liberate you from established prejudices about firearms and become a living part of creativity without boundaries.

We are not setting our sights on manufacturing cold and dull products.
Indeed, our mission is to inject and imbue firearm industry with passion, enthusiasm, style, emotion, soul, and art. We aim to put a piece of us into what we create, create imprints of ourselves, and mirror our beliefs, conviction, talent and drive in uniquness of the result of our effort.

Through the artifacts of our products, crafted in the heart of Europe, in the center of firearm manufacturing tradition, you'll possess a piece of us.

Do not stagnate. Evolve.

Evolution acts as an invisible force that constantly shapes and modifies organisms and products to be as efficient and competitive as possible in their environment. This natural process has been ongoing throughout the existence of life forms on our planet and influences their ability to survive and compete under various conditions.

We already understand the benefits of a right angle and the wheel. We can calculate the force needed for a liquid to displace a submerged object and understand what it means for an apple to fall on our head. The skull houses a ganglion that with the help of paper, ink, and storytelling is capable of calculating the time required for the light to reach the earth, ruminating over the existence of a greater entity or creating whole new imaginary worlds to which we escape if we feel the current one is too small, inadequate, too cruel. Reason has carried us beyond the physical universe. We managed to get out of the caves and overpower mammoths, build pyramids, build ships, discover and build new worlds and let the old ones go to ruin, formulate new moral creeds, bring forth light, split atoms, exterminate many species, irrevocably poison the earth, create thousands of television channels out of which we cannot choose anyway, and visit a restaurant without stepping out of our car.
We have lubricated the wheel of history with our own blood. We are unstoppable.

However, who we are today does not determine who we could be tomorrow.
To evolve, learn and strive to be a better version of ourselves is not a choice.
It’s our calling.

Créapeiron s.r.o
Lidická 700/16, Veveri
602 00 Brno
ID: 09394737
[email protected]

TFC s.r.t
Carnica (Brescia)
[email protected]

Lidická 700/16, Veveri
602 00 Brno
[email protected]

Germany s.r.o
Lidická 700/16, Veveri
602 00 Brno
[email protected]